#################################################### JEXN-HOWTO by Paul Sijpkes created: July 2, 2001 #################################################### This file contains: i. a short description of the jexn.StackTracer class' constructors ii. the source code for a working demonstration of JEXN [i] jexn.StackTracer contains three constructors: 1. StackTracer myTracer = new StackTracer("email@an.email.address"); 2. StackTracer myTracer = new StackTracer("email@an.email.address", "project name v1.2"); 3. StackTracer myTracer = new StackTracer("email@an.email.address", "project name v1.2", "email subject field", "email from field" ); [ii] This is a working demonstration of JEXN. Put the code below into a file called "MyClass.java". Edit the email address to match your preferred email account. Then compile it by typing: javac -classpath .\jexn0.1.1.jar MyClass.java Run it by typing: java -cp .;.\jexn0.1.1.jar MyClass.java >>> CODE STARTS HERE <<< import jexn.*; public class MyClass { //this is the jexn.StackTracer class for forwarding any exceptions. StackTracer stack_tracer = new StackTracer("email@an.email.address", "project name v1.2", "email subject field", "email from field" ); public MyClass() {} public void throwAnException() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is a test exception for JEXN."); // throw an exception! } public static void main(String[] args) { MyClass theClass = new MyClass(); theClass.throwAnException(); } }